Green Building Design

Design and deliver building and spaces that minimize carbon footprint, suggest actionable opportunities to increase energy efficiency of the building and assist you in green building ratings and certifications. Let us help you with your Green building challenges and ECBC compliance requirement.

Get Quote for your Green Building Project

Step 1

Manage the entire Green Building rating compliance and documentation process.

Step 2

Creating a project strategy to save energy and water, reduce & manage waste, recommend eco-friendly materials, optimise indoor environmental quality and create a sustainable site.

Step 3

Aligning defined strategy with estimated budgetary implications and suggesting alternative ways to achieve the target.

Step 4

Identifying and recommending suppliers for green building material and services procurement.

Step 5

Improving indoor environmental quality to meet minimum daylighting and ventilation requirements.

Step 6

Introduce best practices in improving quality of life and maximising productivity.

Step 7

Compiling a Green Building Owner's Manual complete with green building features, how to lead a green lifestyle, maintenance tasks and other operational information.

Step 8

Creating energy models, daylight simulations of all buildings to demonstrate compliance with energy efficiency, IEQ requirements of the Green Building rating program.

Step 9

Current design feedback, project acceptance and then project registration with the certification body.

Step 10

Performing all measurement and verification of credits as per the Green Building rating program.